Thursday, December 16, 2010


Today it is snowing!  This is very exciting to me.  Maryland got some snow last week, but I missed it, because I was in Virginia having an awesome time at the lake house.  So this is the first official snowfall of December 2010 (because nothing is official if I'm not there)!  I really like snow a lot.  In fact, I think winter is completely pointless without snow.  I mean, if its going to be cold, it must snow, otherwise its just a waste.  Cold without snow is like a cupcake without frosting (if the cupcake tasted really bad on its own and simply delicious with frosting, that is).  I like this analogy for two reasons: 1. snow looks like fluffy frosting on a chocolate cupcake world and 2. I am currently baking scrumptious cupcakes.

Yesterday whilst driving around Christmas shopping, I was considering winter in New York vs Maryland.  I came to a few conclusions, which is good, because considering without conclusions is like cold without snow...utterly pointless.  My first conclusion was that tooling around town in winter is way preferable in Maryland.  This is because you have a toasty car to cruise around in, instead of hoofing around the city, battling the wind that whips between skyscrapers literally trying to knock you over.  So, point for MD.  However, I find Christmas decorations to be vastly superior in NYC.  The lights in Columbus Circle, the wreaths on Fifth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, for Pete's sake!  Frederick just can't keep up.  Point for NY.  In Maryland, when it snows, the roads get yucky and it can be difficult to get anywhere.  In New York, it takes a butt-load of snow to close down the subway system.  But, in New York when it snows, there is no place for the plows to push it all.  So they pile it high on every street corner, where it melts during the day and freezes at night into vast slushy lakes of melted, dirty snow that extend for three feet in all directions, making it completely impossible to cross the street without A. thigh-high galoshes, or B. wet, frozen little piggies for the rest of the day.  Believe me, I have had my fair share of slushy corner-sludge leak into my shoes.  So much so, that on days when it snowed during my internship, I brought an extra pair of shoes and socks to change into once my original pair became soaked and frozen.  I'm not sure which place to award that point.

Thus, we currently have a tie.  I will continue to do research, and will update you on my findings.  Please feel free to contribute to my research.

Despite my indecision on which winter habitat is superior, I think we can all agree on one thing.  And so I will end with this:  SNOW ROCKS.

1 comment:

  1. I think cruising in a car gets two points. This winter's cold just hurts!
