I think this is the longest I have gone without blogging since I created my little cyber-world! I choose to be impressed with myself on this fact, because that means I have been blogging regularly, which I was afraid would not be the case. Let me bring you up to date on the myriad things that have happened since last Sunday.
Monday I worked a double at work : (
Tuesday I worked the lunch shift at work. And while I was there, I received a voicemail at noon. At 3 pm, I listened to the voicemail. It was from Macmillan, the major publishing house I interned for last fall. They wanted me to come in for an interview! The very next day! Let me tell you, I was so psyched. The people at work must've thought I was crazy, because I emerged from the back room grinning like a fool. (I am sure lots of people emerge from back rooms smiling, but for entirely different reasons). So I walked around in the best mood I've ever been in at work for an hour, til I had a moment to call back. Unfortunately, the HR girl was away from her desk, so I left a message, and spent the remainder of my shift preparing for a quick dash up to NY, planning my interview outfit, and deciding where I would live once I got the job and started making my glamorous life in NYC. Unfortunately, I did not receive a call back confirming my interview for the next day. A few hours later, I got in touch with the HR girl and she said it might work out, but it might not. Now, that's a pickle, because Macmillan thinks I live in New York, and theoretically, could get to an interview with a lot less notice than I'd really need. So after an hour's deliberation with my father, I left to drive up to NY, on a long shot, in case I actually did have my very first real interview the next day.
On Wednesday morning, I found out the long shot didn't pan out. No interview that day. But I made the best of it. I hung out with Andrew, made plans to visit Ann in Connecticut, and FINALLY got back to Manhattan (Can you believe I hadn't been there since graduation day?) And, lo and behold, whilst shopping in Herald Square, I received another phone call, asking if I could come in on Thursday. Well, I made some calls, ascertaining the the lake house trip with Andrew, Michael and Emily would not be ruined should I take the interview, and then called Macmillan right back telling them I'd be there! Then on Wednesday night, I had a lovely dinner with the Kaisers, which was not at all marred by the fact that I'm a dummy, and miswrote the train schedule to get back to the Bronx. Luckily, Ann is a dear and drove me all the way to Stratford to make my connection!
On Thursday, I spent all morning prepping for the interview. I got there about 20 minutes early, because I always overbudget for travel time, and settled in for the marathon four hours of meetings. I met with everybody--directors, assistants, HR reps, people in Marketing, in Editorial, in Custom Publishing...basically I met the whole company. Well, not exactly, but the point is, I met a lot of people. On the whole, I think I did well. Not my best interview, but not my worst either. I think I have a shot.
But, should I be offered the position, I need to decide if I should take it. The pay is very very little, and its a marketing position in academic publishing. I'd ideally like an editorial position in consumer publishing. But it is a foot in the door, and who knows when the next time is that I'll have an interview. This is all a moot point until I hear the decision, but it is a good idea to be thinking just in case. You need to have a course of action right? And moving to New York and starting a career is a big deal. Especially when you've only just gotten comfortable with the fact that you won't be in New York for a while. I mean, I'd made peace with Maryland, with my parents' house, almost with Uno's even. And now this interview comes along and makes me think. I mean, this is what I've always wanted. Minus being broke-ass poor. But I was prepared for that. But I've got a good life here in the 301. Dad makes the most amazing dinners. My mom still does my laundry. I've just started seeing people from work socially (ok, I've only been to like three parties, but its a start). Point is, life was getting comfortable here. And now there's this potential event that might change it.
I know I don't have the job yet. I know I might not ever get it. But its making me think. This is what I've been waiting for for 6 months. And now that its happening...am I ready?
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