Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Little Less Lucky

Oh, what changes an hour can bring!  I have now moved to the wifi at Panera.  At my lucky week has let me down.  I just got an email thanking me for interviewing, but informing me that the position for which I interviewed at Macmillan was given to someone else.

I figured this.  It has been three weeks since I interviewed, and I'm sure there were plenty of candidates who were better than me.  I'm not sad so much about not getting the job (it wasn't my dream job anyway), but I am sad that I now have one less opportunity.  This morning, life was great--I was tending bar, thinking about my editing gig, and my upcoming interview, and thinking I still had a shot at this job.  I had multiple things that could work out for me.  Now, I have one less.

I know I am being pessimistic.  An hour ago, things were great!  And a lot of them still are.  Its just a bit of a bummer to have that door shut now.  It puts a lot more pressure on me to interview well next week.  And this is my first flat out rejection.  All those hundreds of jobs I applied for that never contacted me were implied rejections.  This one is explicit.

I will stay positive though.  All the good things in my last post are still good.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll have a great interview at McGraw Hill, and that job will pay a little more.  Maybe I'll train for the bar, and I'll make so much money, I don't want to leave Maryland for awhile.  Or maybe I will kick so much butt at this freelancing job that I will get hundreds more jobs and be able to live in a swank NY apartment on the  money from that alone.  One never knows.

But as soon as I do, you will.

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