Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Excitement!

Wow, this is really my week.  Here's a couple more additions to my previous list:

7. Last week I had a phone interview with McGraw Hill.  I thought it went pretty well, and it must have, because I am going in for a face to face interview next week!!  Which is perfect because I was already going to be in NYC, so I don't even have to make a special trip like the last time!  And the interview is already confirmed, so I won't be waiting around Andrew's apartment, dressed and ready to go at a moments notice!  I am so excited.  McGraw Hill is mostly a textbook/reference publisher, so it would be a little out of my element.  But, I learn quickly, and I'm always up for trying something new.  Plus, reading all those textbook manuscripts is probably the equivalent of a Master's Degree, no?  So, everyone (all five of you) WISH ME LUCK!

8.  Right now I am on break from work, sitting in Borders.  This in itself isn't that exciting, but its exciting that I got a break today, because I sometimes don't.  The reason I got a break is because I was cut early.  And I was cut early because the bar was slow and....TODAY I TENDED BAR!  I was standing in the kitchen this morning, cutting lemons, and my boss said, "Bridget, come here, I'm going to do something radical."  I was appropriately scared/sketched out.  Then he said, because the opening bartender was late, he was going to punish them by putting me in the bar and him out on the floor!  Again, I was appropriately scared, because although I have long wanted to be a bartender, I am very nervous that I will be terrible at it.  But I think I did ok today.  I didn't make too many drinks, just a sangria and pouring a couple beers.  The other bartender said I did "awesome."  Which I am inclined to agree with, but what do I know, really?  Maybe he was just trying to boost my confidence.  When I thanked my boss profusely before leaving, he said he would tell the scheduler to give me a training schedule, and get me back in there!  YAY!  This is my summer-long dream come true!  Actually, I've always wanted to tend bar, it seems so glamorous, but ever since I started at Uno's, I've been itching to get in there.  Especially when my two greatest friends at work (though, sadly, one is no longer there) moved in to the bar.  But my time is coming.

This has just been the most wonderful week!  Christmas really is a magical time.  Now if I can just keep my lucky streak up til next week for the interview, and maybe tomorrow night by getting out of work early so I have time to have an acceptable New Year's Eve, I will be one happy clam.

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