Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sensitivity Training

It has recently been brought to my attention that I can be a tad "insensitive" on this blog.  Something about having sympathy for others or some junk like that.

I maintain that if I am insensitive (ok, I am, I admit it) on this blog, it is because in real life I'm something of a bleeding heart.

But, in order to prove that I am working on becoming more "sensitive" (or, if I was male, "in touch with my feminine side") I have put together the following presentation in sensitivity.  Basically, I've just collected a bunch of things that make your heart melt and written comments of a sensitive nature.  You'll notice that I do not use any synonyms for "sensitive" which is essentially because I am not familiar enough with the word to be able to pick out any other similar ones.

And so we commence with my sensitivity training:

My icy heart is beginning to thaw

I would totally help this old man across the street

Heart warming....

Yes, diving face first into a slip 'n' slide may have been a bad idea.  But it is not this poor little girl's fault. We shouldn't laugh at those with poor coordination.  Also, my first reaction to this photo was NOT laughter (ok, perhaps a giggle.  I'm not through the training yet!)

I blame the public school system, but certainly not her.

Heart melted

So let's see if this worked.  Is my favorite YouTube video 2.5 minutes of little kids falling down?  No.  If I hear someone say "This is how you look like" will my eye twitch as my fist curls up to punch them in the face?  I don't think so.  Do I suddenly feel like it want to cry?  Yes.



  1. Awww...Bridge, you're not THAT insensitive! And my first reaction to the slip 'n' slide picture was TOTAL laughter!

  2. Lol, I didn't think I was that bad either. But apparently some readers (Andrew) took issue with my casual treatment of the eye-gouger.

    I'm just like "Whatevs, this is me. I'll pretend to try to change, but don't get your hopes up."
