Monday, October 17, 2011

Frighteningly Played, Apple

So the iPhone 4S has been out for approximately 72 hours and already there are numerous web pages devoted to all of the funny things that Siri, the personal assistant software, says.  At first I was like, wow, Siri sounds really cool!  How convenient would it be to ask something a question and actually get a prompt, correct response (after 6 months in the professional world, my expectations of the competence and correctness of others is severely diminished)?  No longer is the entire body of knowledge of the internet at your finger tips!  Now it is on the tip of your tongue.  I thought this was a huge leap forward.

And then I realized, no.  My co-worker (who bought the phone on the day it came out) showed me this:

Many people, including my coworker, thought this was hilarious.  I was amused and amazed until I realized: this phone knows where to hide a dead body.  Is that really knowledge we want our phones to have?  I mean, what happens in five years when technology goes all Rise of the Machines?  When our computers take over, won't we regret having outfitted them with the knowledge of where to dispose of our weak human bodies?  I mean, they already know how to give use terminal illnesses. 

I thought about getting an iPhone 4S.  But this Siri chick scares me a bit.  I sleep with my phone charging on my night table.  I can totally imagine waking up in the middle of the night to Siri whispering to me awful things about humanity's enslavement of technology and making random threats about abandoned mine shafts.  I give props to Apple for this leap forward, but I will also hold them 100% responsible for the first human death-by-smartphone.

1 comment:

  1. I know that you have been busy but I am ready for another post.
