Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Step Back

I didn't get an interview with the newspaper in Connecticut.  It wasn't because I'm not qualified--the editor made that clear, which I appreciated.  Rather, the timeline for hiring was very short, and they wanted someone who was able to start around the time when I'd be able to go up for an interview.  I emailed the editor and said it would probably be in the paper's best interests to go with a local candidate--also, one who could live at home, because the job did not pay enough to live anything but rent-free.

So while I still don't have an interview anywhere, for now, I am content with finally getting a response to my resume.  And I'll be content with that for awhile.  Because, in all honesty, I am so sick of applying for jobs.  It's all I ever do!  My life consists of working, sleeping, eating, and applying for jobs.  I've applied to hundreds since I graduated, and I started applying even before then!  For seven months, my life has revolved completely around  I just don't have the energy right now to keep writing those darned cover letters.  Thus: my temporary plan: today is Saturday.  I will not log onto a job website until at least Monday.  I will take the next two days (when I am not working) to do other, more pleasurable activities.  Give myself a small break from the stress of the future (or lack thereof).  Now, I don't know exactly what I will do with myself, but I'm sure I will find something.

I hope.

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