Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shout Out to My Girl!

I am instating my first blog tradition: the weekly shout-out!  This is reminiscent of my days at the Ram Van (all my current readers know what this is, so I don't need to explain).  Now there are a few people in the running for this week's shout out: my sister for being totally awesome and finally deciding on a bridesmaids dress!  Or my boyfriend for being super sweet and supportive through my difficult "soul-searching."  Or my dad for eating pie and watching That 70's Show with me.  But this week, the shout out goes to.....my girl Ann Kaiser!

Ann was my roommate in college, and is currently living with her parents in Connecticut, working a sweet job at a design magazine.  I haven't seen Ann's beautiful face in almost SIX MONTHS, since the day we graduated and moved out of our sweet little room in Walsh hall.  But tonight, after playing phone/text tag for a few weeks, we finally skyped and got to catch up.

It was just like being in that little room again, only this time, ironic posters of Taylor Lautner and Hannah Montana weren't peering down at us.  Ann and I are very different, but at heart, where it matters, we are the same.  We both love bad Disney movies, eating too much ice cream and candy corn pumpkins and writing.  We both want to be editors.  We shop at different stores, but share the tendency to go overboard at OldNavy.com.  We are really bad at following through with stuff.  We love traveling and really want to go to London this year to visit our friend Caitlin who is doing an awesome grad school program over there.  We both really like it when I make cupcakes or chicken stir-fry.  And the best thing about Ann is that she is just so fun and pleasant and funny, but she gets my serious stuff too.

So here's to you Ann Kaiser, Assistant Editor!  I love ya, girl.

Oh, PS--Ann also has a blog.  Follow it!  www.the-lost-graduate.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. So I think it's ridiculous that I wasn't even "in the running" for this shout out. I'm not saying the shout out should have definitely gone to me, but I should have at least been considered! I was the one who invited you to your very first Hoedown. It was me who stepped up to be your square dance partner, which had I not stepped up you could have been stuck with that weird kid. I helped you win that delicious pie and braved the dance floor with you for the line dances. And who was it that warned you against AFLAC and stopped you from making a potentially horrible career decision? Oh yeah, that was me too! All of this, on top of the base awesomeness that I have should have AT LEAST put me in the running. Yet somehow, Emily was in the running for choosing a dress and your dad made it for eating pie... WTF???
