Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving dear readers!
I hope you all are busy having a wonderful holiday with your families.  Except for Emily, who has to be at work today : ( I miss you, and will miss you more when we go to Aunt Jeananne's house and I'm the only one between the ages of 18 and 40.  I hope the babies aren't being to rough on you today!
I am currently watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  It is the first time in a while that I have watched the entire thing.  Here are a few things I have taken away from it:
1. There is a new Muppet movie out next Christmas, starring Amy Adams.  I am so there.
2. Victoria Secret probably paid so. much. money. for that billboard next to Macy's behind all the floats.  I think the executive producer of the parade should have been less concerned about picking our her outfit to lead the parade, and more concerned with making sure all aspects of the television broadcast were suitable and representative of the holidays.  I don't really think bras fit that category.
3. Jimmy Fallon's studio band is kind of awesome.
4. But not as awesome as Big Time Rush.  The Parade gods rewarded me for watching this year.  However, I do think a nice holiday song would have been excellent.  Don't get me wrong, I like "Til I Forget About You," but I was really counting on "All I Want For Christmas is You."
5. I was slightly disappointed by the Rockettes this year.  I mean I know I am too tall to become a Rockette (yes, it is possible) but aside from that arbitrary rule, I could have done that routine.  It was mostly posturing and arm waving.  Maybe next year, ladies.
6. Shrek is finally leaving the parade!  They should've stopped that franchise at 1.
7. I don't really like high school bands.
8. I don't like Broadway this season.  I mean, Elf? Really?
9. The pizza dough throwing team kicks butt!  When I first heard about that, I was skeptical, but they were tossing between their legs and stuff!  You really can get on tv for anything these days.
10. I really miss New York City

I hope y'all enjoyed the parade! 

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