Why am I always looking for a job? I have a full-time career, but now I need a part-time job in order to be able to afford to pursue my career. When will it end?
My new idea is babysitting. I didn't like it so much in high school, but it seems way better than waiting tables all of a sudden. I mean, I dig kids. I think they're funny. Sometimes I'm laughing at them instead of with them, but that's just 'cause they're too dumb to get the joke. Plus every once in a while they'll just say something out of control--in a funny way or a profound way. They're pretty awesome that way.
So, babysitting. I got on SitterCity.com and looked through some CraigsList ads. Applied to a bunch of stuff. Haven't heard anything. If there's one thing I've always known, but was reaffirmed by my MH experience is that I am awesome and bosses will love me, if they just give me a chance. Just ask my boss L (who today offered to buy me ice cream from an ice cream truck, til the truck drove away. I've never seen an old man look so sad. Made my day). He says I'm "a gem."
So come on parents of New York! Get your act together and respond to my email! Even just out of courtesy.
Too bad I can't make a living tell people how it is. Oh, you're life sucks? Well, that's cause you're whiny, lazy and ya need a nose job. $200 please. Oh, wait, that's what sassy gay friends are for.
If I had a sassy gay friend, I know what he'd tell me: You complain too much in your blog! It's true, I know it. But typing furiously is just such a good way to get out the frustration. So much better than exercising.
Thus, in an effort to stop complaining and be more upbeat, I will tell you that I wrote my very first travel article (I've only been trying for like, two years) and submitted it to an awesome travel blog based on an awesome book which you should all have read because I told you too. So, everyone keep your fingers crossed that they publish it!
Wow, I don't usually tell people stuff like that until the positive outcome happens. None of you can judge me now if they don't publish the article. It will completely decimate my already fragile writer's ego. Pinky promise?
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