I decided to go with the original plan. I have not yet had one, but I hope they are good, because now there is no Uno's party to take them to, thus, I cannot foist them off on unsuspecting snackers. Darn.
It has stopped snowing, which is good, because I need to go to work tomorrow, and bad, because there is only like one inch on the ground, which means it will more quickly turn to ice and slush and all the bad states of snow. I don't know if you realize this, but snow has multiple states--liquid in clouds, the fluffy yummy stuff which floats down, the wet sticky stuff that drops like rocks, the nice fresh coating, the hard packed layer with bits of grass and dirt poking through, ice, ice that has been partially melted thus turning it to slush that collects on the sides of roads and corners of New York City streets, and finally, cold, wet, brown mud.
I fear that we are soon to see these latter stages, when I would prefer a greater build up of fresh powder. Also, I have not been skiing in like four years, because it always snows when I am away at school, so now that I am home, I would very much prefer a lovely snowfall on which to zip down the slopes.
So, snow gods, lets make it happen!
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