Sunday, December 19, 2010

Birthdays and Bruises

Last night, I went out for Emily's birthday.  Mike planned a lovely celebration including AJ, myself, Mike's brother and cousin and cousin's girlfriend, and Emily's college friend Jessica and husband Everett. We began the evening at Mike's parents' house where we snacked on delicious hors d'ouvres made by Mike.  Then we drove into Baltimore for dinner at Ale Mary's, which was a typical bar.  I got pigs in a blanket for dinner, so it can't have been bad.  We then moved on to a bar with a really long name, which I will just call the Horse Saloon.  This started out great.  We had some shots, some drinks, we were chatting having a nice time, AJ was creepin on some chicks...a great start. 

Then, I'm sitting on this barstool shaped like a saddle.  I half stand up to say something to Emily, then sit back down.  And then, I'm on the floor.  Yes, I fell off my bar stool.  Well, technically, I slid backwards off of it because I didn't quite line up my butt with the seat.  But as Mike's brother John likes to say, "You can't live life in the details."  So, I fell off my seat.  Two nice young men rushed to my aid, only they had trouble lifting me, due to the heavy lady who deemed it necessary to step on my hair while I was on the floor.  I finally got up, thanked said gentlemen, and had a nice laugh.  Then I realized what a complete doofus I made of myself, and got a couple embarrassment tears going.  I mean, I fell off my stool, and had boot-bottom gunk in my hair.  And people all over the bar knew I was the chick who fell off the stool.

We soon moved on to a new bar, this one infinitely dive-ier than the last, but with an open pool table.  We finally left B'more around 2, ate some more at Mike's house and went to bed around 3.  Overall, I'd say it was a good night.  I have a wicked bruise on the back of my knee, and Mike deemed it necessary to tell his parents about my accident, but I think Emily had a good time, and there were lots of people there with whom I really enjoy spending time.  So, congrats Mike, on planning another successful event.

And I would just like to close with two thoughts.  One, I was not that drunk.  And two, slippery saddle stools are a bad idea.  I don't know what that bar was thinking of.

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