Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Case of the Thursdays

As far as days go, today has not been stellar.  I have not been able to catch up on sleep the last two weeks (DAMN that large coffee I drank by accident back in March!) and my stomach has been doing some wonky stuff today.  And for the pas 6 hours, I have been feeling weirdly, unexplainably nervous.

Does that happen to anyone else, ever?  My stomach is both wonky and fluttery, and my heart is pounding.  I thought it might be because I had to give an evaluation at Toastmasters, but that was over and I still felt this way.  So I thought maybe it was because of our staff meeting this afternoon.  But now that's over, and I still feel this way.  Is it because I have to work tonight, and I hate doing that?  Is it just unexplained paranoia?  Does my subconscious know that something bad will soon happen?

I don't know.  But it's annoying, man.  And even though I agreed to work for 5 hours on Saturday afternoon--prime weekend time--I am so looking forward to tomorrow at 5 o'clock.

Cause today has been weird and not even pictures of cute animals was enough to knock it off.

Side note:  my office smells weird.  It alternates between movie theater popcorn butter and a mystery meat microwavable meal.  It is not helping the stomach wonkiness.

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