Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Books

I've been reading a lot lately, and it is sometimes difficult to remember the things that I want to read--books that I passed in the store or that were recommended to me by a friend.  So I'm going to start a list, because I love lists!  I probably won't always maintain it on my blog, but I'll start it here because I am trying to be a more active blogger.  So here is my life in lists about books:

Recently Finished:
From the book exchange at work.

I didn't want to, but my friend insisted.  It was surprising.

Currently Reading:

From the book exchange

Up Next:

Recommended by my boss, J.

A bestseller, and sounded interesting when I read the back at Posman.
Because the first one was surprising.
Does anyone have any good suggestions?


  1. You misspelled two book titles in your are people to find you? Sorry, I get perverse pleasure pointing out editorial mistakes on editor's blogs ;)

    1. : P I told you...I don't edit this blog! Strategically--if I did, stuff like that would be way more embarrassing!
