Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Recurring Segment

I think it's safe to say, I'm not good at keeping up with recurring topics.  The shout-out of the week died a slow painful death approximately one month after I introduced it, and the photo of the day--let's face it, we all knew that was never going to get very far.  But I've finally thought of an easy one that will be quick to do, and for which there is plenty of fodder.  I'm calling it "I Judge You (Harshly) Based on the Content of Your Facebook Status."  Ok, the name is a work in progress, but I only just thought of this topic a few minutes ago when I read the following post from a high school acquaintance who now has a young son:

"Just got my baby a potty. He is a big boy now!! #proudmom"

Ok, I don't think it's ever really appropriate to discuss bathroom-related issues on Facebook.  Call me old-fashioned.  I especially don't think it's appropriate to discuss bathroom issues as they relate to people who can't yet go to the bathroom like a real person--I mean, give the kid some privacy.  I also think too much discussion of your children on facebook is disturbing--what are your children doing while you update your Facebook status every two minutes?  Yeah, your kid is cute when they get mashed potatoes all over their face at dinner.  But instead of taking a picture of it and immediately uploading it to Facebook, why don't you take a washcloth and clean the kid up?  How much time does that baby spend in a playpen so you can fill the interwebs with the mundane details of your young parenthood?  Because, let's face it--if you have a potty-training age son and a frequently updated Facebook page, you might be too young to have kids.

At least, in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. My feeling is, my baby is a person. Would I tell you about any other person's bathroom habits? No. Just because he or she is an infant, it doesn't mean it's appropriate to talk publicly about their excretions.
