Yesterday was my first day of work at my first real-person job after college. Today was my second day( funny how that works, isn't it?). So far, I'm feeling good.
Yesterday I woke up at 6 am (!) in order to give myself plenty of time to get ready without stressing out. it was kind of yucky out (it always seems to rain on my first day at a job) so I wore my hair half down, with a black pencil skirt, pink button down and black pumps. I got on an 8:12am Metro North train, arrived in Grand Central at 8:35, and walked 8-ish blocks to "the office." As I walked, I was surrounded buy hundreds of other commuters, 9-5ers, office drones and corporate suits. As I waited to cross the street with five or so of these others, I thought to myself, "This is the New York City morning scene. I am part of this now. These people's lives are my life now." That was both a good and bad thought. On the one hand, I've been waiting for this day for years, and longing for it for 10 whole months. And now it is finally here! On the other hand, this was the first commute of thousands more, every day for almost the rest of my life.
The first day of work was not quite what I expected. Of course, none of my technology worked, so I could do nothing on the computer all day yesterday. Also, my "peer mentor" was rather busy, so she didn't have a lot of time to go through things with me. So, my boss (whom I'll call J) walked me around the floor and introduced me to almost everyone who was there (which actually wasn't a lot of people, compared to the number of name plates there were. Mondays must be slow). Then I spent a couple hours "settling in," organizing my desk (I actually have my very own cubicle, which is actually rather spacious), looking through files, reading back contracts and familiarizing myself with document templates, etc.
At lunch time, two of my bosses, M and J took me out for a nice lunch at a Chinese restaurant. After lunch I did meet with my peer mentor for a little while and she showed me some things in our publishing database. Then J started showing me how to prepare a manuscript for production. I completed that, then took off for the day. On the whole, the first day was a little slow; there wasn't a lot I could do without my computer and I need to wait for someone to have time to explain things to me so I can do them. But everyone was really nice, and I'm looking forward to (hopefully) getting to know people on a more personal level.
Today, I again woke up at 6, but took a train to arrive in GC by 8:12 so that I could be to work by 8:30 (this might become a daily occurrence). Day 2 was a little busier. I got my computer up and running, but of course every other technology-related thing went wrong. I have a computer with two monitors, and the second didn't work. I didn't have access to the shared network drive. I don't have access to the database. The help desk, located in India, could not hear me from my phone, in New York, because of a bad connection, three times. My computer is not linked to the printer. Basically, Murphy's Law. But I'm used to that sort of thing by now.
Today I learned a lot more, and understood a lot less than yesterday. Right now, I'm learning things tiny piece by tiny piece. What would really help me is an over view of the editorial process. That way, I can understand why I'm doing things and what will come next. But all that will come later, I suppose.
I was able to complete a couple editorial assistant tasks on my own, in addition to getting my employee ID, filling out some HR paperwork and promising to comply with the Code of Business Ethics. In all it was a productive day, I was definitely not bored, and I'm excited for the day when everything clicks.
On my way from work to the train, I again joined the hoards of commuters crossing Fifth Ave. This time I smiled (even though it was raining) because I realized, this was it. The thing I'd been waiting for for so long was actually happening. I was doing the thing. I'm living in New York, almost on my own, close to standing on my own legs, living adult life. Granted, its only my second day of real life, but the second day felt good. So I opened my umbrella and smiled in the rain.